Teachers, principals of secondary schools will be able to apply online for transfer. The application process is starting from July 2. All the teachers will have to make their application online only.
Principal, Deputy Principal, Principal Teacher working in government secondary schools of the state will be able to apply online from Monday for transfer. All teachers can apply online for transfer on the website upsecgtt.upsdc.gov.in till July 2.
Additional Chief Secretary (Secondary Education) Aradhana Shukla said that the process of transfer has been made completely transparent. Five options will be taken for transfer from teachers. Transfer will be done on the basis of norms and coefficients fixed as per policy. A merit list will be prepared for transfer.
Such teachers who will complete one year's service on July 2022, will also get the facility of transfer. They can also apply online.
If either of the spouses is employed in the Army and Para Military Forces, then he/she will be given preference.
If both husband and wife are in government service then they will also get priority.
On the other hand, such teachers who have completed the age of 58 years, teachers suffering from serious diseases will also be given preference.
Transfer order will be issued online to the applied teachers. They will be informed about the transfer through SMS on the mobile.
teacher will be able to download the transfer order online.
Disttric/ College/ Designation/ Subject wise vacancies रिक्तियों की सूची http://upsecgtt.upsdc.gov.in/docs/Vacancygrid_secondary_2019.pdf
समय सारिणी http://upsecgtt.upsdc.gov.in/docs/RevisedTimetable.pdf
फॉर्म प्रारूप http://upsecgtt.upsdc.gov.in/docs/Praroop.pdf
आवेदक हेतु दिशा निर्देश http://upsecgtt.upsdc.gov.in/docs/avashayak_ImportantApplicantsIntstruction.pdf
सामान्य दिशा निर्देश http://upsecgtt.upsdc.gov.in/docs/Nirdesh.pdf
शासनादेश http://upsecgtt.upsdc.gov.in/docs/Government_Order.pdf
Helpline e-mail: upott2019[at]gmail[dot]com
माध्यमिक शिक्षा विभाग , उत्तर प्रदेश SECONDARY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT,UTTAR PRADESH
राजकीय विद्यालयों के शिक्षकों की ऑनलाइन स्थानांतरण प्रणाली- 2022 (Online Transfer of Government Teachers)