antarjanpadiya transfer basic shiksha parishad | chayan vetan man | selection grade News for Inter District Transferred Teacher of Primary and upper primary schools
Order regarding acceptance of selection pay scale after transfer of teachers from inter-district transfer.
The Secretary of Uttar Pradesh Basic Education Council has issued an order regarding the acceptance of selection pay scale (Chayan Vetan ). All such teachers who have taken charge by taking transfer under inter-district transfer from other district will also be given the benefit of selection pay scale. All such teachers who have completed 10 years of service, even if transferred from other districts to other districts, will also be given the benefit of selection pay scale.
Earlier it was a dilemma that the teachers who came after the transfer have to complete current teacher of PS / UPS Get Selection grade after 10 years of satisfactory service in the transferred district, But this affects the seniority of the teachers and teachers already working in that district.
In this regard, a clear guideline has been given that primary teachers will be given selection pay scale after completing satisfactory service for up to 10 years in the normal pay scale and no other conditions are mentioned.
That is, it became clear that after the transfer, the transferred teachers who have completed their 10 years of service will also be given the benefit of selection pay scale even if they have not served for 10 years in the transferred district.
Regarding this, see the order of the Secretary of the Basic Education Council.

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