
Check status of Manav Sampada Application Form Teacher Government Employee UP

Teachers, Head Master, Anudeshak , Shiksha Mitra of Basic Education Council's primary or upper primary schools can know the status of their Manav Sampada application form online. Apart from this, employees of other government departments can also check the status of their Manav Sampada application form online. EHRMS has provided a link to know the status of Manav Sampada Form of all employees and officers in UPSDC website.   you can see the status of your Manav Sampada form online. To know the status of Manav Sampada, first of all the officer or employee has to click on the link given below.

After that, you will have to enter the name of your department in the first number column. For example, teachers, other Basic shiksha Parishad staff, and officers of the education department should select basic education in the first column.
After that, you have to select your department in the subdivision search below. Such as the Directorate of Basic Education, a subdivision of the Department of Basic Education.
After that, you have to click the name of your district.
By clicking the name of the district, select the search criteria.
Under Search Criteria, you can view your Manav Sampada form on the basis of By Employee Name, By Service cadre , or by seniority Number. Therefore, you have to select the name Employee here. After that, you have to enter your name in the column below.
After that click on submit, and the status of your Manav Sampada will appear.
After that, you can automatically get the status of Manav Sampada based on your father's name and date of birth, and you can also download it in PDF by clicking on the link.
For any other help, you must read the article below.

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