Central selection board of constable CSB published the official recruitment notification Advt. No. 03/2022 for inviting application form for the Recruitment of Prison Warders with Home (Prisons) Dept Govt. of Bihar. All those candidates who hold the eligibility criteria for kendriya chayan parshad (Sipahi bharti) they can fill application form online at the official website of CSBC bih which is www.csbc.bih.nic.in
These of Prison Warders will be appointed in Kara avam sudhar nirikshak, grih Vibhag of bihar as kakshpal posts . Last date of application form submission is 24 september 2022. selected kaksh pal will be appointed in the pay scale of 5200-20200 , and grade pay of rs 1900. Total no of vacancies are 2649 including various categories. 50 % seats will be filled through direct recruitment and 25% posts will be filled through trainee Home Guard and 25 % posts will be filled through ex service man.
Posts Name: Recruitment of Prison Warders with Home (Prisons) Dept., Govt. of Bihar.These of Prison Warders will be appointed in Kara avam sudhar nirikshak, grih Vibhag of bihar as kakshpal posts . Last date of application form submission is 24 september 2022. selected kaksh pal will be appointed in the pay scale of 5200-20200 , and grade pay of rs 1900. Total no of vacancies are 2649 including various categories. 50 % seats will be filled through direct recruitment and 25% posts will be filled through trainee Home Guard and 25 % posts will be filled through ex service man.
Total No of vacancies: SC 495 , ST 24 , EBC 661 , OBC 242 , OBC female 134 , UR general 1093 total 2649
Eligibility Criteria: education qualification: Intermediate pass as on 1 January 2022.
Age Limit : 18- 23 for general male , 18-25 OBC male ,18-26 for UR, OBC female , 18-28 for Sc, ST male and female . Reserved category of the candidates will get relaxation in maximum age Limit.
Selection procedure: selection of the eligible candidates will be based on through the physical stander, PST , physical efficiency test Pet and written examination.
PST test : height : UR male and OBC 165 CM , OBC male 162 , SC ST male 160 Cm , Female 155 Cm
Chest UR OBC EBC male 81/86 , SC , ST 79/ 84
PET Physical efficiency test: Race for male: 1 Mile in 6 Minutes
Race for female: 1 Km in 6 minutes
High Jump : 4 FT for male , 3 Ft for female
Long Jump : Male 12 Ft, female 9 ft ,
Discus throw male , : 16 pond , 16 ft , female 12 pond , 10 Ft
Written examination question paper pattern as are following: difficulty of the question paper will be high school level. Question will be objective type and mCQ based. Written examination will carry maximum 300 marks. Question paper contains 100 objective type question. Each questions will carry 3 marks . Candidates are required to score at least minimum 30% qualifying marks.
How to apply : all interested candidates who hold the eligibility criteria they can fill application form online at the official website of CSBC which is www.csbc.bih.nic.in
Online application form submission will be started from . last date of application form submission is
Application form fee : rs 450 for EBC , OBC , UR General male and female and rs 200 for SC , ST male Female .
Candidates are required to pay online transaction charges and service tax additional. / all application form fee will be deposited online.
Download official Notification in pDF

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