Recently state government of uttar pradesh going to open Model school for Primary education and Madhymik level (Secondary level schooling) . selection of the eligible candidates for English Medium Primary Model school will be based on through the written examination which will be conducted by DIET and personal interview test . both type of school will provide English medium education . Recruitment in Secondary level model school for the posts of principal, and TGT teacher will be strictly based on the Academic record and Personal interview test. So all candidates and teacher who want to make sure there selection in government Primary, and Upper Primary level , madhymik model school they are advised to focus on Interview preparation for Model schools. Interview for the posts of TGT teacher and principal posts will be conducted by rajya model school Sangathan and Interview test for Primary level model school will be conducted by DIET and BSA office. Final Selection of the eligible candidates will be done in the performance of the written examination as well as Personal Interview test .
Personal interview test will carry total 20 marks . merit list for secondary level model school will be held by State level selection committed . 3 times of proposed no of vacancies , candidates will be call for personal interview test. Final selection merit list will be prepared on the basis of Academic record and personal interview test . will help you how to face Personal interview test for teacher Recruitment. Hope this interview question will helpful in preparation of KVS PRT , TGT, PGT recruitment, Navodaya Teacher vacancy and other English medium schools.
List of very important and common question which is usually asked in all type of Teacher Interview recruitment.

interview questions answer Kendriya vidyalaya Sangathan kvs recruitment Rajya model school Sangathan Interview preparation Tips , Trick , Advices , strategy and previous year question asked in KVS TGT, PRT, PGT interview test
Q: tell us about your education qualification, your teaching experiences?
Q: what’s your hobby , do you like reading ? your favorite books , etc
Q: what’s your future plan for career ? why you want to Join model School , KVS etc
Q : Question may be asked on English and hindi grammar like Noun, pronoun , part of speech , Tenses etc
Q: what’s your strong point and what is your weak point and how you face it
Q: how you involve your student out side of your class room and how you make your subject easier to learn ?
Q: you favorite sports and question on technicalities of that sport like field, player , rules Etc so be prepared before telling about your favorite hobby, Sports, book name etc
Q: evaluating of your behavior via asking few personal questions of your life
Q: why you want to be a teacher of Model school, central schools and when you decided to teach such type of poor students of rural areas of primary level .
Q: why you want to be teacher of primary level / secondary level?
Q : what’s your strength in teaching inside of class room ? how you make teaching interesting in class .
Q: question of you favorites subjects ? they will ask questions on your favorite subject so only tell your favorite subject in which you have 100% command .
Q: why you like teaching ? any specific reason ?
Q: what’s you dream and objectives as teacher for your students.
Q: Question on basic principal of education? Teaching mythology etc . so revise you B.ed / BTC / LT courses once again before appearing in interview test .
Q: how you treat in class room for any naughty student?
Q: they may asked a demo of teaching in class on a particular topic in a specific Time duration ?
Q: question on class arrangement, seating of the students etc
Q: your teaching style , your time partition for your subject, and covering a syllabus of particular class.
Q: what’s your achievement in teaching career, your innovative teaching ideas
Q: according to you , in present contest what is the biggest challenges to face modern generation students and how you will deal with this?
Q: they will give you few problem of the students and they may ask how you will improve that problem of the student.
Q: difficulty of teaching in present contexts in case of when government decided to provide English medium education to those students who belongs extremely backward areas and whose families is illiterate.
Q: what’s your strategy of dealing homework problem in such case where family or your students don’t know A, B, C, D ……………
Q: question on RTE right to Education ? Question one RMSA Scheme, School Chalo Abhiyan etc
Q: your views on MDM scheme, and other school related government scheme ?
Q: problem in primary school teaching and your ideas on this
Q : Class Room management , monitor system, group management, group teaching , assignment , task , etc
Q : role of parents in the development of the student and their education
Q: motivation ideas for your student becoming as active learner, active listener and active speaker,
Q: : How you increase the involvement of the student during discussion on any problem , chapter , or topic ?
Q Tell us about a disturbing student you have taught and how you helped him or her. - Q. explains your best specialized growth knowledge.
Q Illustrate your ideal lesson / lesson plan and using of TLM in teaching.
Q. Explain your setting up procedure for a main scheme or component.
Q How have you incorporated technology into your teaching lessons?
Q. What tactics do you have for the mixing of technology in your own classroom?
Q. What knowledge have you had with team-teaching? What is your view of it?
Q. How has and will you address your students' dissimilar education styles?
Q. How do the homework you give offer students the chance to communicate their imagination and uniqueness?
Q. How do you adjust your teaching to accomplish students who are under pressure to carry out at ranking level?
Q. How do you give hold up for students by means of outstanding capability?
Q. What would you say to your received class in a "back-to-school" letter at the start of a new school year?
Q. How would you deal with a student who repeatedly missed school or your class?
Q. If most of the students in your class unsuccessful an task, examination, or assignment, how would you react?
Q. What would your students say they had learned after spending a year in your class? (Or: What do you want students to remember about your class?)
Q. How would you set up and continue high-quality statement by means of the parents of your students?
Q. What steps would you pursue to deal with a student who displays reliable behavioral troubles in your classroom?
Q. below what conditions would you refers a kid to the Principal office?
Q. What could a guest to your class look forward to see?
Q What do you expect to learn from your adviser?
Q. How would you get improvement of assets within the group of people to improve your teaching?
Q. Why should you be hired for this position / GT / PGT/ PRT / Primary Level or Principal of Model School?
Guys if you are going to fill application form for TGT teacher of model school vacancy then start discussing here on above mentioned questions and share your Interview experience here and question you have face during any interview. It will be helpful in better preparation of personal interview test. You can posts your answers here of above mentioned interview questions. We will try to provide best answers for above questions . so keep on focusing in your personal interview test .
All the best for Your upcoming Personal interview Test PI preparation.
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