Uttar pradesh public service Commission (UP Lok Sewa Ayog), now going to conduct most awaited preliminary examination for DIET Lecturer (DIET Pravakta Bharti) . Selection of the eligible candidates for DIET lecturer posts will be strictly based on through the written examination followed by Personal interview test. UpJob.in already published written examination question paper pattern for Upcoming DIET lecturer pariksha 2022.
Written examination will comprise total two question paper. First paper 1, will be related to general aptitude test and language Test. This paper will carry total 50 marks. part 1 of paper 1 will contain total 50 question for 50 marks /. Question will be asked from general awareness, Reasoning, Language, English or Hindi. Difficulty of the GAT paper will be high school level. Part 2 of paper 1 will be based on Content cum methodology which will carry 100 marks for 100 objective type questions. Part 2 questions will be related from content, education and methodology of teaching of the subject. its expected that more then 6 lakh B.ed and LT certificate holder will appear in Diet lecturer examination. if you also going to appear in Diet Lecturer examination then start your preparation for cracking this examination in first attempt.
UpJob.in brought UPPSC previous year examination question paper (Prashna patra with Uttar ), model paper , sample papers. We solved the question paper and mark the correct answer in the question paper. Hope this question paper will be helpful in other UPPSC (uttar pradesh public service commission) examination like RO / ARO (Samiksha adhikar / Review Officer, Sahayak Samiksha adhikari / assistant review officer ) , PCS preliminary examination, and other SSC (staff selection commission / karamchari chayan ayog ),, Bank railway Day one examination .
Written examination will comprise total two question paper. First paper 1, will be related to general aptitude test and language Test. This paper will carry total 50 marks. part 1 of paper 1 will contain total 50 question for 50 marks /. Question will be asked from general awareness, Reasoning, Language, English or Hindi. Difficulty of the GAT paper will be high school level. Part 2 of paper 1 will be based on Content cum methodology which will carry 100 marks for 100 objective type questions. Part 2 questions will be related from content, education and methodology of teaching of the subject. its expected that more then 6 lakh B.ed and LT certificate holder will appear in Diet lecturer examination. if you also going to appear in Diet Lecturer examination then start your preparation for cracking this examination in first attempt.
UpJob.in brought UPPSC previous year examination question paper (Prashna patra with Uttar ), model paper , sample papers. We solved the question paper and mark the correct answer in the question paper. Hope this question paper will be helpful in other UPPSC (uttar pradesh public service commission) examination like RO / ARO (Samiksha adhikar / Review Officer, Sahayak Samiksha adhikari / assistant review officer ) , PCS preliminary examination, and other SSC (staff selection commission / karamchari chayan ayog ),, Bank railway Day one examination .
Question paper contains 140 question from General Study / latest General knowledge, important GK, General awareness question with solution . So you don’t need to sears answer key or solution of any questions. We uploaded this question paper in image file with high compression which will be helpful in each download.
Following question paper is actual question paper of UPPSC previous year Mains examination of RO /ARO examination .
If you found any wrong answers in following question paper then please inform us here , we will publish revised answer , answer sheet and complete question paper solution .
We will publish more free study material for Content methodology for Part 2 preparation of Diet Lecturer examination so subscribe it here for latest updated.
All the best for upcoming Diet Lecturer examination 2021

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