UpJob.in continuously providing free study material for SSC, UPSC, UPPSC, Railway and Bank Examination. Mathematics is one of the compulsory part of TET , CTET , and other competitive examination. Without having good knowledge of Math you cant crack Staff Selection commission examination of CSAT of UP public service commission or Union public service commission and other government Job . Mathematics is one of the essential part of IBPS RRB, bank po, Clerk , specialist officer examination. So competitor of Railway and other SSC examination are advised to learn Simple mathematic TIPS and Trick for fast Calculation which will save your time and you can easily calculate your numerical without wasting your time.
We will provide more mathematical tricks, solution, example, with formula and their usage. Hope following trick will helpful in the preparation of your competitive examination.
All the best for your upcoming exam and test. You can subscribe your emails for receiving more update of free study material, Mathematic question paper with solution and answer key of different screening test.
Fast Arithmetic Tips: Getting the Result Fast 10 Easy Arithmetic Tricks

Math Tricks & Shortcuts for Competitive Exams