Kendriya chayan Parshad / Parishad Sipahi bharti , Bihar CSBC Bih published the official recruitment Advt. No. 01/2015 on ....... for the recruitment and Selection of Excise Constable in Registration, Excise & Prohibition Dept., Govt. of Bihar. All those candidate who hold the eligibility criteria for the posts of constable of nibandhan , utpad , avam madya nished vibhag , they can fill application form online till the last date which is .........
Important recruitment details of Central selection board pf constable as are following
Posts Name: Excise Constable in Registration, Excise & Prohibition Dept
Total No of vacancies : 831 (SC 133 , ST 9 , EBC 176 , OBC 94, OBC female 29 , UR 390 )
50 % seats will be filled thorough direct recruitment, 25% seats will be filled through trained home guard of Bihar state , and 25% seats will be filed through ex service man .
Salary: pay scale 5200-20200 , grade pay rs 2000
Eligibility criteria: education qualification: intermediates pass as on 1 January 2022
Age Limit: minimum 18 year and maximum 23 year as on 1 January 2022
Selection procedure: election of the eligible candidates will be based on through the Written exam, and physical Stander test PST.
Question paper pattern of the written exam as are following
Difficulty of the likhit pariksha will be High school level of Bihar vidyalaya pariksha Samiti. All questions will be objective type and MCQ based. Written exam will carry 300 marks. Total 2 hours time duration will be given for attempting the question paper. Question paper contains 100 objective type questions. Minimum qualifying cutoff marks / passing marks for all category of the candidates will be 30 % .
Medha Suchi will be prepare on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the written examination. After that candidates will be call for PST test. No marks will be added for PST test . interested candidates can download official syllabus from
PST / PET Details as are following
Height :
UR / OBC / EBC Male – 165 CM
SC / ST Male – 162 CM
Gorkha – 160 CM
Female of all category - 155 CM
Chest: UR General / OBC / EBC Male - 81/86
SC / ST Male / Gorkha – 79/84
Physical efficiency test :
Race : 1 Mile in 6 Minutes for male and Female .
High Jump : Male 4 Feet , Female 3 Feet
Long Jump : 12 Feet for male , 9 Feet for Female
How to apply: all interested candidates who hold the eligibility criteria they can fill application form online at the official website of CSBC Bih Nic in which is
Online application form submission will be started from July 2022.
Application form fee : rs 450 for EBC , OBC , UR male and female , and rs 200 for SC , ST male and female .
Candidates can deposit application form fee through Online.
Last date of application form submission is : August 2022
Download official Notification in PDF

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