Uttar pradesh Lok Sewa Ayog going to conduct state level
written screening examination for the posts of Food and Sanitary inspector.
UPPSC (uttar Pradesh public service commission will conduct safai avam Khadya
nirikshak bharti pariksha on ................. at various examination center all
UP. UP PSC has uploaded the official admit card (Pravesh Patra) , Call Letter /
Hall ticket for the written examination of Uttar pradesh palika Kendriya
Swasthya Sewa bharti pariksha . this
examination will be held under the term of Vigyapti Sankhya
112/01/DR/NMP/S-10/2013-14 dated 24 December 2014 . Written examination will be
held at various examination center of Lucknow
and Allahabad
district . all candidates who going to appearing in Food and Sanitary inspector
recruitment examination of 22/03/2015 they are advised that download there
E Admit card (Pravesh patra ) online
from the official website of UP PSC which is http://uppsc.up.nic.in/AdmitCard.aspx
For downloading your admit card / call letter just enter
your registration no and date birth. In case you forget your registration no
then you can search your admit card via entering your Father Name, Your Name,
and Date birth. if you are facing any other problem you can posts your comment
here . UpJob.in will try to help you.
In case of your photo is not appear in admit card then bring
two passport size photogram and one ID proof
at the examination center for reissuing the duplicate admit card . Written examination will be stared from 9:30
am and will be completed on 11:30 Noon.

UpJob.in brought previous year solved question of UPPSC Food
and Sanitary inspector with complete question paper solution and answer key.
Hope following model question paper / sample paper will be helpful in the
preparation for General awareness / general study / and general knwolege
subject. Following questions are very important questions as per as concern of
Food and Sanitary inspector examination. these question were asked in UPPSC PCS
J Judicial Service Civil Judge Junior Division Examination Question paper 1 of
General study . If you found any wrong answer in answer key then you can posts
your own answer here. For any other help,. Free study material question paper,
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uppsc food and sanitary inspector exam Question Paper 2016
1. The Rajya Sabha can detain the ordinary for a maximum period of
1. The Rajya Sabha can detain the ordinary for a maximum period of
A. 14 days B. 1 month C.
3 months D. 6 months
2. Who is the ex-officio Chairman of the Planning Commission?
A. President B. Prime Minister C.
Law Minister D. Finance Minister
3. The Panchayati Raj system under 73rd Constitutional
Amendment Act, 1993 does
not apply to
A. Nagaland,
Meghalaya, Mizoram
B. Chhattisgarh,
Uttarakhand, Jharkhand
C. Uttarakhand, Bihar, Rajasthan
D. Karnataka, Tamil
Nadu, Mizoram
4. Which State of India has made Rain water harvesting
compulsory for all houses?
A. Rajasthan B. Maharashtra C.
Madhya Pradesh D. Tamil Nadu
5. As a non-member who can participate in the proceedings of
either House of Parliament?
A. Vice President B. Chief Justice C.
Attorney General D. None of these
6. In the year 2010, the Election Commission of India
celebrated its
A. Silver Jubilee B. Golden Jubilee C.
Diamond Jubilee D. Platinum Jubilee
7. Who among the following can act as presiding Officer of
the House without being its
A. Speaker of the Lok
Sabha B. Vice President of India
C. Chairman of the
Legislative Council D. Speaker of the Legislative Assembly
8. Who appoints the Chief Election Commission of India?
A. Parliament B. Prime Minister C.
President D. Vice President
9. The joint sitting of Indian Parliament for transacting a
legislative business is presided over by
A. Prime Minister of India B. Senior most member of Parliament
C. Chairman of the
Rajya Sabha D. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
10. The secession of a State from the Indian Union has been
barred by
A. Constitution (35th
Amendment) Act, 1974
B. Constitution (29th
Amendment) Act, 1972
C. Constitution (22nd
Amendment) Act, 1969
D. Constitution (16th
Amendment) Act, 1963
11. Who lathe first Law Officer of the Government of India’
A. Union Law Minister B. Attorney General of India
C. Law Secretary D. Chief Justice of India
12. Which one of the following States was the first to
introduce Panchayati Raj system?
A. Uttar Pradesh B. Haryana C.
Rajasthan D. West
13. The Principle of Fundamental Rights cannot be amended
under Article 368, was propounded by the Supreme Court of India In
A. Maneka Gandhi v.
Union of India
B. GolakNath v. State
of Punjab
C. Keshavanand Bharti
v. State of Kerala
(U) Gopalan v. State of Madras
14. Which one of the following States does not have a
bicameral legislature?
A. Uttar Pradesh B. Madhya Pradesh C.
Bihar D. Karnataka
15. Who presides over the Lok Sabha in the absence of the
Speaker and Deputy Speaker?
A. Leader of the
opposition. B. Senior most member of the House
C. A member of the
six members panel determined by the Speaker
D. Secretary General
of the Lok Sabha
16. The Finance Commission, as laid down in Article 280 of
the Constitution, is constituted by
A. Prime Minister B. President of India
C. Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court of India D. Parliament
17. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education
Act came into force from
A. 1st April, 2008 B. 1st January, 2009 C. 1st April, 2010 D. lstJuly, 2011
18. The Committee on Parliament which has the largest
membership is
A. the Committee on
Privileges B. the Public Account Committee
C. The Estimate
Committee D. the Committee on Public Undertakings
19. The Lok Sabha Secretariat comes under direct supervision
A. Ministry of Home
Affairs B. Ministry of Parliament Affairs
C. Prime Minister’s
Office D. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(20). Who decides whether a bill is ‘money bill’ or not?
A. The President B. The Speaker of Lok Sabha
C. The Finance
Secretary D. The Finance Minister
21. If the Budget of the Government does not get passed by
1st April, how is the government expenditure undertaken?
A. Vote on credit B. Supplementary grant
C. Vote on account D.
None of the above
22. Which one of the following is not one of the documents
that are presented to Parliament as a part of Budget?
A. Revenue Bill B. Appropriation Bill
C. Demands for grants
D. None of the above
23. Which of the following economic subjects does not come
in the ambit of Finance Commission?
A. Division and
distribution of Income tax and other taxes.
B. Grants-in-aid to
the States by the Union
C. Distribution of
Plan Revenue Resources
D. Any other matter
concerning financial relations between the Union
and States
24. As compared to 2012-13, Defence spending has been
increased by what percentage in the Union Budget for 2013-14?
A. 12.1% B. 13.1% C. 14.1% D. 15.1%
25. Disguised unemployment is a feature of
A. Industry B. Trade C.
Agriculture D. Transport
26. In India
who regulates the money supply?
1. Reserve Bank of India 2. State Bank of India
3. NABARD 4.
Commercial Banks
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
A. 1 only B. l and 2 C.
2 and 3 D.
1,2,3 and 4
27. What is the effect of deficit financing on economy?
A. Inflation B. Deflation C.
Depression D. Recession
28. The agency estimating the National Income of India is
A. Reserve Bank of India B. Planning Commission
C. Ministry of
Finance D. Central Statistical Organization
29. According to the economic survey of 2013, the growth
rate in December 2012 slumped to
A. 3.5% B. 4.5% C.
5.0% D. 4.0%
30. Which one of the following States tops in setting up
rural bank accounts in India
February 2013?
A. Uttar Pradesh B. Madhya Pradesh C.
West Bengal D. Bihar
31. Poverty level In India is estimated on the basis of
A. Per capita income
in different States
B. Household average
C. Household consumer
D. Slum population in
the country
32. Who is authorized to issue coins in India?
A. RBI B. SBI C. Ministry of Finance D. None of the above
33. TRYSEM is a Programme of
A. Rural Development B. Industrial Development
C. Urban Development D. Defence Perparedness
34. Which one of the following centers is known? for the
fertilizer industry as well as for steel Industry?
A. Gorakhpur
B. Neyveli C. Rourkela
D. Nahar Katia
35. Who among the following is the Chairman of Fourteenth
Finance Commission?
A. Prof. Abhijit Sen B. Dr. Y.V. Reddy
C. Ms. Sushma Nath D. Dr.
M. Govind Rao
36. Which two countries signed agreement for the
modernization of Indian Railways?
A. India and Belgium B. India and China
C. U.S.A. and India D. Russia and india
37. Which of the following are the objects of International
Monetary Fund?
(1) Creation of International Monetary Cooperation
(2) Promotion of balanced growth of International Trade
(3) Multilateral payments
(4) All of the above
Select the correct answer from the code given below:
A. (l)only B. (1)and(2) C.
(2)and(3) D. (4)
38. Match List I with List II select the correct answer from
the code given below the lists:
List I
A Growth in food production B
Milk production
C Fisheries D
List II
1. Green Revolution 2.
Blue Revolution
3. White Revolution 4.
Grey Revolution
A. 1 3 2 4
B. 3 1 4 2
C. 2 4 3 1
D. 3 2 4 1
39. Swayamsidha’ is a scheme launched by the Government of
India to help
A. Women only B. School children only
C. Health workers
only D. None of the above
40. The Bank rate is the rate at which
A. a Bank lends to
the public B. the RBI lends to the
C. the RBI gives
credit to the Commercial Banks
D. the Government of India lends to
other countries
41. The Uttar Pradesh Government on 4th December 2012
decided to issue cards to the industrialists and industrial associates for easy
access to its offices. What is the name of that card?
A. Platinum card B. Silver card
C. Golden card D. Industrial card
42. Heavy Water Project (Taleher) and Fertilizer Plant
(Paradeep) are famous enterprises of
A. Odisha B. Tamil Nadu C.
Andhra Pradesh D. Kerala
43. G-15 Is an economic grouping of
A. First
World Nations B. Second World
C. Third
World Nations D. Fourth World
44. Which one of the following has the highest? share in
power generation in India?
A. Hydro power B. Thermal power
C. Nuclear power D. All the above with equal share
45. In which one of the following areas India and Japan on January 12, 2012 agreed to
enhance their cooperation in which of the following areas?
A. Infrastructure B. Tourism
C. Road and
Transport D. Coal and Mining
46. Which team won the first Hockey India League? held in
January 2013?
A. Delhi Wave riders B. Punjab Warriors
C. Ranchi Rhinos D. Uttar Pradesh Wizards
47. Who was declared the best actress? 60th National Film
Award function held on 18
March 2013?
A. Doily Ahluwalia B. Rani Mukherjee
C. Sridevi D. Usha Jadhav
48. Who among the following was the Chief Guest of India’s
Republic Day celebrations, 2013?
A. Jigme Khesar
Nangyal Wangchuck B. Jigme Singhe Wangchuck
C. Mahendra
Rajapakshe D.
Kamala Prasad Bissessar
49. Who among the following was the recipient of Indira
Gandhi Peace Prize for 2011 given by the President on February 2013?
A. Aruna Roy B. Mrinal Pandey
C. Ela Ramesh Bhatt D. Medha Patekar
50. Who among the following has been appointed Governor of
Nagaland by the President of India?
A. Aswini Kumar B. DY. Path
C. Devanand Kanwar D. S.C.
uppsc food safety officer question paper Answer key 2016
1(D) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4.(D) 5. (C) 6.
(C) 7. (B) 8. (C) 9(D) 10. (D)
11. (8) 12. (C) 13. (B) 14.
(B) 15. (C) 16. (B) 17. (C) 18. (C) 19.
(D) 20. (B)
21. (C) 22. (A) 23. (C) 24.
(C) 25. (C) 26. (A) 27. (A) 28. (D) 29.
(C) 30. (A)
31. (C) 32. (A) 33. (A) 34.
(C) 35. (B) 36. (A) 37. (D) 38. (A) 39.
(A) 40. (C)
41. (C) 42. (A) 43. (C) 44.
(B) 45. (A) 46. (C) 47. (0) 48. (A) 49.
(C) 50. (A)
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