Uttarakhand Public Service Commission, Haridwar now going to publish
the official Recruitment notification for inviting online
application form for Group C category of the posts. UKPSC ( उत्तराखंड लोक सेवा आयोग, हरिद्वार ) will publish the official notification
advertisement in the first week of march 2022 for
filling Group C (समूह ’ग’)
category of the posts . there are total no of vacancies are more then 100 posts including various categories
for different department of Uttarakhand Lok Sewa ayog. All interested candidates who to apply for
GPC Group C posts they can fill application form from 1st week of march 2022 online. Last
date of application form submission is 1st week of April 2022 . important recruitment details as are following
Examination Code ( परीक्षा कोड ) GPC
Examination Group C परीक्षा Year 2022
Department name posts name and no of vacancies
Sahayak Pravakta (assistant lecturer Cookery , bakery, house
keeping, restaurant and reception ) of Tourism department
Up Krida adhikari (Sub sport officer ) of sport department
Technical assistant (Pravidhik sahayak ) of Industrial
development department
Technical assistant of Audyogik Vikas vibhag
Technical assistant chemistry
Mining inspector (khan nirikshak ) –
Avar abhiyanta Civil (Junior engineer JE ) for Chikitsa Swasthya
avam parivar Kalyan vibhag
Senior clerk
Total no of vacancies are ; 100 Tentative
Salary : pay scale 9300-34800 grade pay 4200
Eligibility criteria: education qualification: Graduation degree / Diploma
Age limit: 21 to 42 year as
on on 1 July 2022
Selection procedure: selection of the eligible candidates will
be done through the written examination followed by personal interview test . written
examination will be held at hardware and haldwani examination centers.
Written examination question paper pattern : UKPSC Group C Bharti pariksha will be objective
type and mcq based. Negative marking
will be applicable in the screening examination. For each incorrect answer ¼ marks will be deducted .
Pattern of the written examination of Uttarakhand Group C
Samuh G
Uttarakhand Lok Sewa ayog Group C exam
General Study
General Intelligence Test
General Hindi
2 hour
Question Type
Objective , MCQ
Syllabus of the UKPSC Group C Exam

All those candidates who will be declared qualified in the written examination they will be call for personal interview test.
How to apply : all interested candidates can fill application
form online for Uttarakhand Group C category vacancies . candidates are required to fill only one application
form for all category posts. But if you want to apply for more then one posts
then you have to pay application form fee secretly for each posts. Suppose if
you want to apply for 2 posts then you have to pay rs 300 application form fee.
Application form fee : rs 150 for general category , OBC
Fee for SC, ST , PWD , Ex service man , - 60
application form fee will be deposited through the SBI E Challan
form only. No other mode of application form fee will be accepted .
Important date :
Online registration for online application form submission
will be start from :
Last Date of application form submission is
Last date of application form fee submission is
समूह ’ग’ के रिक्त पदों से सम्बन्धित आॅन लाईन आवेदन पत्र
Note: Notification for this year vacancy will be published here by UpJob.in shortly with revised Date.
Note: Notification for this year vacancy will be published here by UpJob.in shortly with revised Date.
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